Affiliates & JV Partners:
Introducing... The Trinity Code
August 28th |
September 4th |
are very excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new product
- The Trinity
Code. Over the past 5 years our launches have generated
millions of dollars for our affiliates and this is, without doubt,
going to be our biggest launch to date.
The Trinity Code is a joint launch with ourselves and Aidan Booth.
In fact, we are partnering up not only for this launch but for ALL promotions
we do from September onwards.
This means one thing... with our lists combined, we
are going to have MASSIVE firepower from this point forward and
will be able to make YOU a ton of sales in future launches that you have.
If you are willing to help us out on this one, we'll have your back in the future. |
Why you'll want to promote: |
This is going to be an extremely high quality
product. The
best thing we have ever
done. (more on this in a
moment) |
The price point is $2497 and
you will get $1248 in
commissions (minus processor
fees) for each full sale
that you make. (We'll have a
pay-plan too) |
We are going to have a
massive JV contest with
close to $45,000 in cash
prizes ($30,000 for
first place) |
We have an incredible
pre-launch sequence lined up
which will keep your traffic
hooked and will result in
many more sales when the
cart opens. |
We did an internal launch in
January this year at pretty
much this exact price point
and pulled in a 15%
conversion rate. In other
words, we KNOW exactly how
to convert people on high
tickets such as this... so
expect EPC's to be sky-high.
(In fact, I'm very confident
that we will be mailing out
a number of $100,000
commission checks.) |
Also expect an extremely low
refund rate. The refund
rate of that internal launch
was 12%. In addition, the last high ticket
Aidan did ($2000 price
point), the refund rate
was.... well, actually there
weren't any :) ...In other
words, not only do we know
how to GET customers, we
know how to KEEP them too. |
Bottom line... this is going to be a
killer launch and if you
produce a good bonus
package, and
make sure that your subs
see the prelaunch series you will
an absolute ton of cash.
We are going to be using JVzoo for
this launch so you will need to
sign up as an
affiliate at . Couple of
things to take note of:
JVZoo... for a $2500
product? Yup. It's one of the best
and most easy to use platforms out there for
both you as an
affiliate and us as a vendor. Our
cart page will also have
'The Trinity Code' branding, rather than 'JVzoo'
branding so there will be no 'customer confusion'.
You will get your
commissions paid via paypal.
However, because of the huge
commissions that are going to be
paid out you will not get paid
instant Paypal commissions for this
launch as you do with most JVzoo
launches and products. The reason why should be
as clear as daylight. So... we will be paying out
pronto as
soon as the refund period is over.
You will need to request your link approval
Do that here:
Once approved, that'll be all you need to do and
I will send you all the links you'll need in
email updates
Formatting Your Links:
the 'jvzooid' text with your jvzooid affiliate
ID which will be a 4 or 5 digit number.
Here is how to
find it.)
For instance, if your JVzoo affiliate ID was:
This affiliate link...
Would be
formatted like this:
Please don't mail out until Wednesday 28th, 12pm
Prelaunch 1:
Prelaunch 2:
Prelaunch 3:
Launch Swipe:
and Launch Sequence Details |
We're going to be doing some really
cool stuff with pre-launch for 'The
Trinity Code'.
Not only are we going to be giving
away software and free content -
we're also going to be running a
series of contests for prospects
where we'll be giving awayApple products
and cash including a grand prize of $5000 the day
before launch.
This will help to keep your traffic
and leads hooked to the pre-launch
and should result in more sales when
'The Trinity Code' goes live. We did
the same thing in January and it
worked VERY well.
Happy Leads & More
Buyers! |
Your leads will NOT have to opt-in
to see the pre-launch videos, but
they will if they want to download
the free software and register for
the prizes competition.
The pre-launch content will be given
away in three stages.
Prelaunch part 1 -
Wednesday 28th August
"The $517,000 Site" -
$517,000 From 1 Simple Site. No
changes, No SEO, No PPC
Prelaunch part 2 -
Friday 30th August
"The Software" - Instant
Traffic = Instant Cash (The Software
That Changes EVERYTHING)
Prelaunch part 3 -
Monday 2nd September
"The Code" - Connect The Dots
& Automate Your Earnings (Activate
The Code)
...then launch will be on the 4th
September at 12:00pm ET
More information on the prelaunch
will be coming soon.
If you want to maximise your
commissions and make the most amount
of money when The Trinity Code goes
live, then it is absolutely
imperative that you mail to
the prelaunch and have a
great bonus lined up as an
incentive for people to buy the
product through your affiliate link.
This is an expensive & valuable
product and people will need to see
the prelaunch content if they are to
buy when the cart opens.
Don't worry though - like I say, we
are not interested
in trying to capture all your leads...
There will be no opt-in to see the
prelaunch videos. Only people
actually interested in the product,
software and contest will
need to opt-in to get more
information. People who aren't
interested, won't - obviously. |
We are going to be using JVzoo for
this launch so you will need to
sign up as an
affiliate on their site
and we will be sending out product
approval links soon. Couple of
things to take note of:
1: JVZoo... for a $2500
product? Yup. It's one of the best
and most easy to use platforms out there for
both you as an
affiliate and us as a vendor. Our
cart page will also have
'The Trinity Code' branding, rather than 'JVzoo'
branding so there will be no 'customer confusion'.
You will get your
commissions paid via paypal.
However, because of the huge
commissions that are going to be
paid out you will not get paid
instant Paypal commissions for this
launch as you do with most JVzoo
launches and products. The reason why should be
as clear as daylight. So... we will be paying out
pronto as
soon as the refund period is over.
JV's: Please register below:
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
Prize -
To qualify for the Grand prize, you must make a minimum of 30 sales. To qualify for 2nd prize, you must make a minimum of 8 sales. If you are placed in the top 2 spots but do not make the required number of sales to claim that prize, you will automatically qualify for the 3rd prize cash amount.
We reserve the right to change or modify this contest at any time. All prizes will be paid in cash via wire or paypal and you must complete and send us either a W8 or W9 tax form before the prizes are paid out. |
is The Trinity Code ? |
In a paragraph...
The Trinity
Code teaches people how to replicate an affiliate
marketing business model that we have used to make
as much as $500,000 from one site. We will show
people how to do market research, then set up mini
*networks* of graphics-based niche related sites
(which can be created in a matter of hours), then
drive traffic to their network for free (No PPC or
SEO) using our
'Crowd Force' software. Then rinse and repeat. It's
all about making money FAST and earnings with this
system are inevitable.
.png) |
Additional Details...
The Trinity Code is a completely fresh product and we can
guarantee that your subscribers would never have
seen anything quite like it.
The training will teach people how to replicate a
business model that we have used to make over
$500,000 in net profit from a single *mini-network*
of high converting promotional-based sites in the
'bad credit' niche. (We also have other networks in
different niches but this is the example we are
going to use throughout this promotion)
People are going to love this product because once
the research is done, offers can be found in
minutes, the unique sites can be set up and ready in
a matter of hours, and the traffic is free ...which
basically means people can begin making money
quickly with no additional costs.
By 'mini-network', what we mean is choosing a niche
such as 'bad credit', then finding 3 sub-niches such
- Second chance checking
accounts |
- Pre-paid Credit Cards |
- Improving your credit
score |
...then finding offers and setting
up a site for each. Then...
interlinking all the sites (on the
basis that someone who wants a
prepaid credit card will also want
to know how to improve their credit
...then driving traffic to one of
the sites (depending on the traffic
source), presenting an offer to the
visitor, then getting people out to
the other sites as well. In other
words, you are killing 3 birds with
1 stone for each traffic action you
take using the software that I will
talk about in a second.
course other elements can be added
to each of the sites (and we will be
adding in additional modules within
the course for these), such as
Amazon affiliate links, Kindle
books, List capture etc etc (again
only having to create a single
element that can be replicated onto
all 3 sites as the niches are
directly related)
Basically, this is all about MAKING BANK FAST!
Here are some additional details:
The Training...
There will be a 6 week web-class consisting of
training webinars which will run through each stage
of the process.
In addition, there will be around 30 videos,
numerous manuals, business planning kits which will
show people how to scale up to big profits over a 12
month period.... and more.
Then, most importantly, and the big hook, is
that, we personally (as in Tim, Steve, Aidan) will
help people begin making money super super quickly.
When we did the internal launches that I talked
about further up the page, the reason why we absolutely
*nailed it* was down to 3 main factors...
A very effective and well thought-out prelaunch, an
amazing sales video... but most important, (and what
really seemed to connect with people), was the
personal help. The offer was us helping customers -
DIRECTLY. People seemed to value this immensely and
why so many leapt of the fence.
Myself, Steve and Aidan will be doing all the
support for this. In the trenches, via email and
Rootbuzz. Anyone who signs up, will be
helped by us directly, until they succeed.
Essentially, this will be personal coaching, but
done on a mass scale (...or so we hope :) )
The Software...
We have many pieces of software within this product
(Probably 8 or 9 in total), but I'll focus on the
main 3. First, we have the website theme, *
Trinity X * which people will build their sites
on. The sites will be offer/promotion based with
little written content, mostly images and video...
but will still look VERY credible and convert like
They are lightening fast to
set up and to get people
over the design roadblock
(which is where people
usually get stuck - creating
sites that suck), we will be
giving them our new tool,
* Design Master+ *,
which is, by far, the
most effective point and
click graphics creation tool
ever made. A monkey could
use it and still create the
site you see on the right...
(and to be honest that's
being a little unfair on the
monkey -- it really is
that easy to use.)
Then there is our jewel in
the crown... * Crowd
Force *,the brand new 'mega-tool' that we have been working on
for many many months.
It is essentially a collection of traffic-getting
apps that will help organize, manage, automate and
prioritize traffic 'opportunities' that will result
in direct, targeted visitors from a multitude of sources.
The software helps people take ONE time
traffic-getting actions that'll bring in a constant
flow of targeted visitors for many months, or even
years. |
Its value is huge on it's own, (at least $1000) and can
also be used to also drive traffic to
existing businesses,
websites, Facebook Fan Pages.. if wanted. We are keeping the exact
details about how it works a little under-wraps for the
That is basically a high-level overview on what The
Trinity Code course is all about.
Steve, Tim, Aidan.
Q's? tim godfrey 2 @
Please always adhere to
these FTC guidelines when
promoting our products and services.
In addition, you must not use the
following promotional methods if
approved for this affiliate program.
Doing so may result in you being
terminated from the affiliate
program and forfeiting any
outstanding commissions.
1. Sending Spam or using safe lists
or solo ads of any kind.
2. Offering cash rebates to people
who buy through your affiliate link.
3. Using negative words such as
'scam' in any promotional campaign.